Recipe ideas

Shrimp salad with pastry

- 24 pink shrimp, peeled, keeping 3 heads per plate
- 24 baby spinach leaves
- 2 sheets of filo dough
- 15 cl olive oil
- 50 g carrot sticks
- 50 g celery sticks, 2 mm thick
- 50 g beetroot sticks, 3 to 4 cm long
- 50 g French bean sticks
- 4 mint leaves
- 8 coriander leaves
- ½ lemon
- 6 g icing sugar
- 1 pinch cinnamon
Cook all the vegetables separately, in boiling salted water, removing them while still crunchy. Mix them in a bowl with olive oil and marinate for a full day. Use a brush to apply olive oil to a sheet of filo dough. Place the other sheet on top, without hanging over the edges. Sprinkle with icing sugar and cinnamon. Bake the dough in the oven at 180°C, let cool and break to your liking. Garnish the vegetables, spinach leaves and shrimp attractively. Sprinkle with small strips of mint and coriander. Make a vinaigrette with the rest of the olive oil, the juice of the pressed ½ lemon, salt, pepper and zest from the ½ lemon.
How to serve
Dress the salad and arrange the crisp pastry pieces.