Recipe ideas

Marbled duck foie gras with Solliès-Pont figs

- 1 kg duck foie gras
- 1 kg fresh figs
- Salt and pepper
In the middle of the Var, not far from the sea, a village has long been devoted to cultivating figs. In fact, Solliès-Pont even lent its name to a famous variety of the Mediterranean fruit.
Select two lobes of duck foie gras, for a total of about 1 kg, and cut four escalopes per lobe. Season copiously (with salt and pepper) and pan-fry with no added fats. The liver should be pink in the middle. Drain to extract the fat rendered while cooking. Slice about 1 kg fresh figs in half, then dry in the oven (at 100°C), by forced air if possible.
Cover the bottom of a terrine with a few escalopes of foie gras and arrange some figs on top. Repeat. Press lightly, for example with a small board to pack it all down and give the bowl its marbled appearance. Refrigerate for 24 hours.
How to serve
Serve fresh, in slices, accompanied by a salad and fresh figs.